RACE FOR CARE “KICKOFF”, a 5K Run or 1K Fun Walk, will be held in Mesilla, starting and ending at the Mesilla Plaza. CARE sincerely thanks the Town of Mesilla for being a sponsor of this special “kickoff” event. We are excited to say that RACE FOR CARE “Kickoff” is part of “More Than A Marathon” A Nine Race Series! RACE FOR CARE also “kicks off” Lavender Month – creating awareness for “all types of cancer”.
This year, the race will have a theme Revenge of the Nerds, to coincide with the Team Zane Celebrity Waiter event on Saturday, March 11th at the Las Cruces Convention Center. Participants are encourage to dress in theme.

Come Join Us!!! Come One!!! Come All!!! Come Groups!!!
Live A Healthy Lifestlye!!!
Come run or walk with CARE!!!!! We welcome everyone in our community to join us in this healthy event. We welcome people of all ages!!!!! We especially encourage children to participate in our 5K Run/Walks!
Please read details below and/or download: RACE FOR CARE FLYER
Don’t forget your sunscreen!!!!! Come have fun!!!!!
Online Registration until February 2, 2017 @ 6:00 pm
$30.00 per individual & $25.00 per person under a team
Late Registration from 8:00 am to 8:45 am on race day: $35.00 per person
In Person: @ either Up and Running Store located in EL Paso, TX @: 3233 N. Mesa, Ste 205 OR 1475 George Dieter
By Mail: postmarked by January 30, 2017; Checks payable to:
Race Adventures, 3233 N. Mesa, Ste 205 El Paso, TX, 79902
Early Packet Pickup: Friday, February 3, 2017, Mesilla Town Center from 12 pm – 6 pm OR 3233 N. Mesa Ste 205
The first 200 pre-registered runners & walkers receive race T-Shirt!
Refreshments available at the finish line
Trophy to Overall Male & Female 5K finishers
Trophy to Team with “Most Creative T-Shirt”
Medals to Top Three 5K male and female finishers in age groups:
9 and under, 10-14, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 and over
Trophy & bragging rights to the largest team!!!! Must have 10 people to qualify as a team!
If not registering online, ALL paper team registrations must be turned in together by January 30, 2017,
either by mail or in person @ 3233 N. Mesa, Ste 205 El Paso, TX or through CARE, contact Yoli Diaz at 575-649-0598. Cost per team member entry is $25.00
We are in need of runners, walkers, volunteers, sponsors, and donations!!
For more information about the event, please contact: Mike Coulter (915) 274-5222, or visit us on the web at: www.RaceAdventuresUnlimited.com; Mike Coulter at coultercmike@yahoo.com; CARE:Yoli Diaz at (575) 649-0598 or yolidiaz6@msn.com or carelascruces.org
Proceeds benefit CARE, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide assistance to cancer patients in Doña Ana County receiving treatment for any type of cancer.
~ For the courageous we run, fight, hope and believe ~